Friday, May 26, 2017

Having a plan

If you are an average person who makes it his or her goal to become president of the United States--national president or international president--you must be able to prove that you can solve the problems on every level. There are two initial concepts to understand:

  1. If you know the root cause of a crisis, with the planning process you can find the solution, and...
  2. Crises occur on every level, so if you solve the problems on the individual level, you can apply the same solution on the other levels, too.
The independent members of our organization are just average people, and only one person within our organization will run for president while the rest of us function on the international level to help every nation function on a higher level. The plan for the international government is the overview plan that makes it possible for everyone to function on a higher level by applying the same principles. 

Several years ago, I sent out a mini-book to everyone on my mailing list. "The World Peace Plan," by (in the order they appear in the book) Bob Miller, Seth, Benjamin Franklin, Teresa of Avila and Lady Gaia explains the overview concept of the planning process and how it enables world peace to come. It doesn't go into the planning process itself. That is covered in other books. The plan for world peace progresses from an impossible dream to an achievable plan in the minds of everyone who reads the book. It is like looking at a map and knowing there are ways to go from where you are to where you want to be, but then you must figure out which path is best for you. 

Most people would just like peace in their own lives, but for those who function on a wider level, the solutions are the same.  World peace starts on the individual level, but then it continues to spread to include everyone on the planet. Even someone who functions on the individual level, such as an artist, must have a market to sell the paintings to create a cash flow.

One of the things I channeled with Lady Gaia is a series of postcards--Root Cause Cards. They cover over 20 of the crises mankind is facing, including financial collapse, cancer, hurricanes and death. Armed with the cards and "The World Peace Plan," anyone can function from within his or her own capacity to come up with a plan that solves any of these crises. The cards are generic, but the solutions are unique because they are based on your own talents and gifts. 

You could say this is a win-win agreement with Lady Gaia. She gives us our talents and gifts when we are born, and then the root cause of these crises who we call apply them to fulfill our purpose in life. Our Creator is our first and most important relationship. With her sharing what is easy for her to share--the root causes of all the crises facing mankind-- she gets back something that is 10 times.... 100 times... 1000 times what she shared, and it the same for us. We apply the information in our lives to solve the problems and get back 10 times, 100 times, 1000 times what we share and get world peace. 

As #1 says above, your plan must address the root cause of the crisis, so these cards supersede the existing structure that is in the process of failing because it doesn't address the root cause of the crisis. And, if the same crises occur on every level, you can offer plans that offer the solution on every level.

The plan for the international government is demonstrating how this works. We know the overview root cause of the crises is the power games known as the Seven Deadly Sins, and that everyone plays the games. We know from "The World Peace Plan" that the planning process is not something new, but the knowledge base associated with it is ancient teachings. The solution has been here all along, but we just didn't see it. We know that world peace is now possible and that the idea is expanding. 

The proverbial sinking ship is no longer sinking, but someone has offered a plan that enables it to rise, and it is turning around and heading away from the iceberg. 

World peace requires the active participation of every person on the planet, but not all people will become president of the United States. Everyone will have a plan that benefits everyone, and take the same journey, and everyone will eventually get there, but only a select few will take the path to become the president of the United States. 

The Root Cause Cards and "The World Peace Plan" will be available to our independent members through our training process, to students of our Getting Out of the Abyss classes, and everyone through On The Rainbow Peace Store, which is on the support level of our organization, so income from the sales of our books goes to support the organization and its projects. 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The requirements to become president

According to the US Constitution, any American can grow up to one day to become president of the United States, as long as he or she fits the Constitutional requirements for the job. Over the years, unfair laws and practices have been introduced that have limited the field.

Under the plan for the international government, each nation will have two presidents, one to handle the nation's internal affairs and one will only handle the international affairs as part of the international government. They will stand back to back. The international government will meet for up to one year at a time, so it will be impossible for one individual to fill both positions and keep a power base. In "A Manual for the One World Government," Seth explains how each of the forms of government will transition to be able to participate in the international government.

Being international president will be more "pure Constitutional" than the existing role of the president, which has become misunderstood by the vast majority of Americans. The US Constitution establishes the Executive branch of the federal government, and lists the president's powers, and what to do about a president who abuses presidential powers. In "A Manual for the One World Government, Seth explains this and how it applies to the international government so there are no misunderstandings and therefore, no resistance. When the delegates meet at the conference in Europe that our organization will host once we have purified the US legal system, a select committee of delegates, made up of people from every nation, will start discussions on writing the international constitution, and open a global debate on it so that everyone has a voice in its creation.

There is no resistance to a plan if everyone is involved with its creation.

Our plan for the United States enables anyone to run for president of the United States, but it won't take money to be successful. No contributions. Candidates must win elections on local, state, regional and then national levels, and must be able to prove they can solve the problems on every level. To do that, they must prove they function for the highest good for all people, and understand the planning process.

If you know the root cause of a crisis, with the planning process, you can find the solution. If your plan doesn't address the root cause of the crisis, it makes it worse, so that is what we will approach in this blog. Our organization is introducing fifty innovative projects and opening them to debate.

Our goal is not just to train potential presidential candidates. It is to enable everyone to be able to fulfill their purpose in life, and to do that, it takes learning how to create a project that benefits everyone.